Lunchtime arrangements
There are two options for lunch – your child can bring in a packed lunch from home, or can purchase their lunch from our canteen.
Here is a link to our catering company.
Our canteen is open before school from 8.00am to 8.40am, for our students who arrive to school early. Whilst we would encourage all students to eat a healthy breakfast before leaving for school each morning, the canteen can provide breakfast items such as cereal, fruit and toast at this time.
It then opens for break time between 11.00 am and 11.20 am, where snacks are available for students to purchase, before the full lunch service which takes place between 1.20 pm and 2.05 pm. The canteen operates on a cashless system and you will be sent further details about how to register for this in the coming weeks. By visiting the above mentioned website, you will be able to view sample menus and prices.
If your child prefers to bring a packed lunch to school, they are welcome to do so and we have a number of sites in the school grounds which are ideal for eating outdoors during fine weather. Please support us in our delivery of healthy eating education by avoiding items such as chocolate and fizzy drinks. Energy drinks and highly-caffeinated drinks have a detrimental effect on students’ ability to concentrate and are therefore not permitted in school. The NHS Change4Life programme offers some guidance about balanced lunch box ideas, if this is something you wish to explore further.
We would encourage all students to bring a non-glass reusable bottle into school, containing just water, so they can keep hydrated throughout the school day. We have water fountains available in the PE department and in the canteen, where students can top-up their bottles before/after school and at break and lunch times.