Transition Timeline
At Valley Park school we are committed to ensuring that the transition from primary school to secondary school is a fun, happy, exciting, and a smooth one. We aim for your child to be familiar with the school, teachers, and the students before September.
We have established a Transition Programme which will ensure that pupils feel part of Valley Park School from the moment they hear their application was successful with us.
My name is Mr Kilner, and I am an Assistant Headteacher who oversees the Year 6-7 transition at Valley Park School. My role will be to ensure that you have a smooth transition from primary school to your new secondary school – Valley Park!
I will be in touch with you to let you know about the many exciting and engaging workshops and induction days that we have planned, and you will also be able to contact me with any questions you have about starting school here in September. I hope the timeline below is useful to give you a snap shot of what’s in store.
We are really excited about welcoming our new students and we look forward to meeting you all.