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We ran a book cover competition for World Book Day this year, and here are the winners! #worldbookday#bookcovers pic.twitter.com/OC4bXBCqyo— Valley Park School () March 24, 2025


The week ahead is a big week for our Performing Arts students, as they're putting on our latest Musical production; Sister Act!#wearevalleypark#wearevalleyparkperformingarts#sisteract pic.twitter.com/iduwmFUDTN— Valley Park School () March 24, 2025


“Pupils who didn't achieve grade 9-4 in English & Maths GCSEs in 2019 had an overall absence rate of 8.8% over the key stage, compared with 5.2% among pupils who achieved a grade 4 & 3.7% among pupils who achieved grade 9-5 in both English and Maths.” The DforE#everylessoncounts pic.twitter.com/CzaQzaGbOt— Valley Park School () March 23, 2025


Rejoice! Sister Act is only 4 sleeps away! https://t.co/5YaEKFU4Tm #wearevalleyparkproductions pic.twitter.com/EnOzsOYx0a— Valley Park School () March 22, 2025


Nowruz, the Persian New Year, marks the start of Spring and means ‘New Day’. While often secular, Nowruz is celebrated by people from diverse religious & cultural backgrounds, holding sacred significance for Zoroastrians, Baháʼís, and some Muslims. pic.twitter.com/ot0wEbzHty— Valley Park School () March 21, 2025


Friday is House Points update day!#wearevalleypark pic.twitter.com/RRQ0bhcYIV— Valley Park School () March 21, 2025


Huge Congratulations to Max in Year 7 for being Awarded the Commandants Award 2025 at Army Youths! Well done Max! #armyyouths pic.twitter.com/48ggTR3vyh— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Year 7 student, Cara, played in the U12 London cup final at the weekend. Her team beat Charlton Academy 1-0 to become champions. Well done Cara! #ambitious pic.twitter.com/NQHn1MhiUV— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Year 9 Pathway+ students attended an induction at Mid Kent College, learning about the carousel programme and participating in mini-courses. The students engaged in activities like decorating biscuits, constructing robots, and bricklaying. pic.twitter.com/AcMqfwmdcM— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


In the Pagan calendar, the Spring equinox, known as Eostre or Ostara, celebrates Earth's renewal and life’s resurgence after winter. Eostre, the pagan fertility goddess, is associated with symbols like hares and eggs, signifying new beginnings. pic.twitter.com/36dAMW5zZp— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Thank you to all our Year 6 parents who attended our welcome event last week. We're really looking forward to sharing the next 5 to 7 years with you and your child and seeing how they thrive here.#wearevalleyparktransition pic.twitter.com/ZV7MvtgbtW— Valley Park School () March 19, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/Xim7QKfHVj— Valley Park School () March 18, 2025


Talented Valley Park musicians performed at The Wishful Thinker Pub yesterday evening, in a new event called V in the Pub. pic.twitter.com/mRgff8YEIc— Valley Park School () March 18, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/zIoZFilltW— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


Year 12 & 13 IT & Computer Science students attended Aspiration Digital at Bluewater, a careers conference exploring the digital universe. They heard from industry experts and participated in workshops, making connections for future work experience. pic.twitter.com/FTLA17IILH— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


We begin the week with St Patrick’s Day and V in the Pub, held at The Wishful Thinker this evening. There are Sixth Form Open Morning Tours on Monday and Wednesday. We end the week with World Maths Day.#wearevalleypark#theweekahead pic.twitter.com/bcEMIqHSUU— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland is a celebration of their patron saint with parades, music, dancing, and green attire. Traditional Irish food like corned beef and cabbage is enjoyed, along with Guinness, in pubs worldwide. pic.twitter.com/8jVM8UERZF— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


There are many reasons why a student might struggle with attendance at school. Valley Park has a dedicated team to help & support you. To speak to someone, contact us by phone or email & a member of the attendance team will get back to you. pic.twitter.com/MOc1fYzm3h— Valley Park School () March 16, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/14M24AdT7G— Valley Park School () March 16, 2025


You can still book a place on our Sixth Form Open Morning Tours, which are coming up on Monday March 17 and Wednesday March 19 at 8.45am. Visit our website: https://t.co/58lYerhh35 pic.twitter.com/pkN79jHnXP— Valley Park School () March 14, 2025


House points update...#housepointsfriday pic.twitter.com/b3oJ8E50ak— Valley Park School () March 14, 2025


Spread the love around! Sister Act is playing at Valley Park School from Wed 26 March! Book your tickets now: https://t.co/5YaEKFTx3O #wearevalleyparkproductions pic.twitter.com/8JSll2CTJ3— Valley Park School () March 12, 2025


Last Friday Dance students attended Move It 2025, the world's biggest Dance event! They participated in workshops, and some brave students performed on the Freestyle stage. Hamish advanced to the final stages of the Freestyle competition. pic.twitter.com/a8YJns0mtN— Valley Park School () March 11, 2025


We are immensely proud to share that last weekend all the hard work and training came to the most amazing fruition as year 9 student, Daisy was crowned WDO World Champion in the Blackpool Tower with her formation team! Well done Daisy! pic.twitter.com/FjiRx6hC6k— Valley Park School () March 11, 2025


Year 9 student, Amy (second from right), headed to Sheffield this weekend to compete in the British Schools Judo Championship and won a Bronze medal. We are incredibly proud to have a national medallist at our school! Well done Amy! #judo pic.twitter.com/oAs4RaNIMM— Valley Park School () March 10, 2025


Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical ‘Cats’ was performed by our students in February 2014. Cree, who played ‘Rum Tum Tugger’ in the show, relates his experiences...

‘Cats’ was a highly enjoyable journey. We all gained new skills and experiences we’ll never forget. During the winter shows, we normally perform on the stage in the school hall. However, this time was an exception. The cast were told we would be performing ‘in the round’, which is in an arena-type stage. Instead of a basic theatre, where the audience view the show from the front, the audience surround the stage instead. Theatre-in-the-round removes the fourth wall and brings the actor into the same space as the audience.

At first, we were quite apprehensive; we hadn’t performed in the round before, so we didn’t know how it was going to work. In addition to this, we were told that the stage would rotate! However, despite initial doubts amongst the cast, the stage looked incredible, and we all managed to balance on the rotating stage without too much trouble.

The major challenge for any actor performing in the round is reaching four different sections of audience, so nobody misses out on anything. We all adapted to these new dimensions impeccably and the audience were captured by every minute of our performance.

The majority of our previous shows didn’t include half as much choreography as ‘Cats’, so it came as a welcome challenge for the cast, and people managed to learn dance moves they didn’t even know existed! Indeed, many of the cast had never tried dancing before, and have since chosen to pursue their new-found skills further, increasing fitness levels and flexibility. Although, personally I’ll never be able to do the splits!

The costumes were quite unorthodox, as they didn’t resemble the original ‘Cats’ attire. Instead of the tight-fitting lycra usually associated with the show, they were actually boiler suits, but they looked very convincing, and each costume represented the unique personality of each cat. No theatre costume is complete without makeup, and for the first time we had our own makeup artists. They were a mixture of staff members and students, who were there every single night to make sure we went on stage looking as feline as possible.

Pre-show preparations ran at maximum; makeup artists arrived at 3:30pm and didn’t leave until the start of the show at 7:30pm. They used a ‘conveyer-belt’ method to ensure each cast member had their own individual makeup, with some of the makeup artists even being in the cast! Without them, the show would not have been anywhere near as good as it was. The cast can’t even begin to express their appreciation for them.

The lighting was a highlight of the show. The overture had no cast members involved. Instead, it showcased our technical talents, and still managed to engage the audience entirely. Both sound and lighting were on top form for the production, and it really managed to enhance the quality of our performance.

‘Cats’ was an intense performance, with no members of the cast leaving the stage area. We interacted with the audience during the interval; it was impressive how everybody managed to maintain their character for so long. It also gave us occasion to play with improvisation and spontaneity. I seized the moment to interact with the Mayor of Maidstone, who had no choice but to let me play with his livery collar (the gold chain of office round his neck) as if I were a cat. It was an experience neither of us were prepared for!