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We ran a book cover competition for World Book Day this year, and here are the winners! #worldbookday#bookcovers pic.twitter.com/OC4bXBCqyo— Valley Park School () March 24, 2025


The week ahead is a big week for our Performing Arts students, as they're putting on our latest Musical production; Sister Act!#wearevalleypark#wearevalleyparkperformingarts#sisteract pic.twitter.com/iduwmFUDTN— Valley Park School () March 24, 2025


“Pupils who didn't achieve grade 9-4 in English & Maths GCSEs in 2019 had an overall absence rate of 8.8% over the key stage, compared with 5.2% among pupils who achieved a grade 4 & 3.7% among pupils who achieved grade 9-5 in both English and Maths.” The DforE#everylessoncounts pic.twitter.com/CzaQzaGbOt— Valley Park School () March 23, 2025


Rejoice! Sister Act is only 4 sleeps away! https://t.co/5YaEKFU4Tm #wearevalleyparkproductions pic.twitter.com/EnOzsOYx0a— Valley Park School () March 22, 2025


Nowruz, the Persian New Year, marks the start of Spring and means ‘New Day’. While often secular, Nowruz is celebrated by people from diverse religious & cultural backgrounds, holding sacred significance for Zoroastrians, Baháʼís, and some Muslims. pic.twitter.com/ot0wEbzHty— Valley Park School () March 21, 2025


Friday is House Points update day!#wearevalleypark pic.twitter.com/RRQ0bhcYIV— Valley Park School () March 21, 2025


Huge Congratulations to Max in Year 7 for being Awarded the Commandants Award 2025 at Army Youths! Well done Max! #armyyouths pic.twitter.com/48ggTR3vyh— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Year 7 student, Cara, played in the U12 London cup final at the weekend. Her team beat Charlton Academy 1-0 to become champions. Well done Cara! #ambitious pic.twitter.com/NQHn1MhiUV— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Year 9 Pathway+ students attended an induction at Mid Kent College, learning about the carousel programme and participating in mini-courses. The students engaged in activities like decorating biscuits, constructing robots, and bricklaying. pic.twitter.com/AcMqfwmdcM— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


In the Pagan calendar, the Spring equinox, known as Eostre or Ostara, celebrates Earth's renewal and life’s resurgence after winter. Eostre, the pagan fertility goddess, is associated with symbols like hares and eggs, signifying new beginnings. pic.twitter.com/36dAMW5zZp— Valley Park School () March 20, 2025


Thank you to all our Year 6 parents who attended our welcome event last week. We're really looking forward to sharing the next 5 to 7 years with you and your child and seeing how they thrive here.#wearevalleyparktransition pic.twitter.com/ZV7MvtgbtW— Valley Park School () March 19, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/Xim7QKfHVj— Valley Park School () March 18, 2025


Talented Valley Park musicians performed at The Wishful Thinker Pub yesterday evening, in a new event called V in the Pub. pic.twitter.com/mRgff8YEIc— Valley Park School () March 18, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/zIoZFilltW— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


Year 12 & 13 IT & Computer Science students attended Aspiration Digital at Bluewater, a careers conference exploring the digital universe. They heard from industry experts and participated in workshops, making connections for future work experience. pic.twitter.com/FTLA17IILH— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


We begin the week with St Patrick’s Day and V in the Pub, held at The Wishful Thinker this evening. There are Sixth Form Open Morning Tours on Monday and Wednesday. We end the week with World Maths Day.#wearevalleypark#theweekahead pic.twitter.com/bcEMIqHSUU— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland is a celebration of their patron saint with parades, music, dancing, and green attire. Traditional Irish food like corned beef and cabbage is enjoyed, along with Guinness, in pubs worldwide. pic.twitter.com/8jVM8UERZF— Valley Park School () March 17, 2025


There are many reasons why a student might struggle with attendance at school. Valley Park has a dedicated team to help & support you. To speak to someone, contact us by phone or email & a member of the attendance team will get back to you. pic.twitter.com/MOc1fYzm3h— Valley Park School () March 16, 2025


Tomorrow's exams are... pic.twitter.com/14M24AdT7G— Valley Park School () March 16, 2025


You can still book a place on our Sixth Form Open Morning Tours, which are coming up on Monday March 17 and Wednesday March 19 at 8.45am. Visit our website: https://t.co/58lYerhh35 pic.twitter.com/pkN79jHnXP— Valley Park School () March 14, 2025


House points update...#housepointsfriday pic.twitter.com/b3oJ8E50ak— Valley Park School () March 14, 2025


Spread the love around! Sister Act is playing at Valley Park School from Wed 26 March! Book your tickets now: https://t.co/5YaEKFTx3O #wearevalleyparkproductions pic.twitter.com/8JSll2CTJ3— Valley Park School () March 12, 2025


Last Friday Dance students attended Move It 2025, the world's biggest Dance event! They participated in workshops, and some brave students performed on the Freestyle stage. Hamish advanced to the final stages of the Freestyle competition. pic.twitter.com/a8YJns0mtN— Valley Park School () March 11, 2025


We are immensely proud to share that last weekend all the hard work and training came to the most amazing fruition as year 9 student, Daisy was crowned WDO World Champion in the Blackpool Tower with her formation team! Well done Daisy! pic.twitter.com/FjiRx6hC6k— Valley Park School () March 11, 2025


Year 9 student, Amy (second from right), headed to Sheffield this weekend to compete in the British Schools Judo Championship and won a Bronze medal. We are incredibly proud to have a national medallist at our school! Well done Amy! #judo pic.twitter.com/oAs4RaNIMM— Valley Park School () March 10, 2025

Sunset Boulevard

When Valley Park put on Sunset Boulevard, the cast had a few extra challenges...

"Norma Desmond"

Hannah daly'In Sunset Boulevard I played Norma Desmond,' said Hannah Daly. 'I had a lot of dramatic costume changes throughout the show. Overall, I had seven quick changes to cope with, whereas in previous shows I had a maximum of two! '

'Making sure I was on stage on time and in costume was quite overwhelming, but the audience’s reaction to them was priceless.' 

'In the final scene, Norma surprises the audience by pulling out a revolver and shooting Joe three times. The reaction every night was fantastic. I could hear the loud gasps of everyone in the audience, shocked by what's happened.Getting that reaction from each audience in turn made all our hard work worthwhile.' 

'We also filmed some other sequences that were shown at key moments of the production. For the scene where Norma takes Joe for a ride to Paramount studios in her old car, we used a real 1950s car and were in full costume.' 

'We also used the stage for filming split screen sequences during the car chase. We captured shots of Norma putting on her famous red lipstick, interacting with her butler Max and reading her 'fan' letters. '

'Filming these clips gave me extra insight into my character's motivations.'

"Joe Gillis"

Morgan Brown 1'Sunset Boulevard has been one of the best experiences I’ve ever had at my time in school,' said Morgan Brown. 'When we filmed the footage of the car chase scene with the green screen, I remember feeling exhilarated at being in the driving seat of such a beautiful vintage car. It felt as if we were filming for a major movie!' 

'But I don’t think anything gave me a bigger thrill than falling into a freezing pool each night! The rush that you get is shocking (and extremely wet!), but when all is said and done, I’m glad that I did it because it helped me get out of my fear of cold water!'

'I’m relieved to know that nobody took it to heart when I soaked the whole right hand side of the audience, but it happened at the best time because it cooled me down after moving around so much on stage!'

'But I'm most thankful for the increased confidence I've gained from playing the lead role. Playing such a complex character in quite a complicated musical was a challenge: I knew I'd find it hard - at first - to understand the story but I worked my way through the script and figured out how Joe would feel and react in each scene and how his relationships with other characters grew or shattered'. 

'I’m insanely thankful for the chance I had been given to play the role of Joe Gillis because this is what I love doing; I love being on stage and playing a character and making the audience believe in the story that is being told and seeing if I’m any good at doing that.'

"Max Von Mayerling"

Kyle Siwek 1'Prior to production week, a number of scenes had to be filmed both on and off the set to allow continuity of the story for the audience,' explained Kyle Siwek, 'including a scene where Norma and Joe travel to the studio in a car, and a scene filmed on stage where Norma is seen prior to the initial arrival of Joe.' 

'The scene with the car was the most interesting to film; it involved the three of us travelling to Biddenden to film with a vintage Rolls Royce. As the musical is set in Southern California, we had to take many shots from specific angles to avoid the oast house from appearing in the background!' 

'We also had difficulty filming some of the scenes where I enter the car, as I struggled to get into the seat seamlessly because of my height!'

'The scenes on the stage were much easier to film, although the three of us struggled in some shots as we had only seen the set for the first time the day before filming!'