Student Homepage
Important - Acceptable Use Policy
Valley Park School has an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which covers the use of all computer and network equipment. This equipment is for school work only. Any use of this equipment that could harm Valley Park School or it's employees or students is against this policy. You must not send, receive, access or create any material likely to offend or upset another user. This includes sexually explicit, racial, homophobic, pornographic, suggestive, confidential or illegal material. Anyone who breaks this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. If you do not understand the information contained in this policy and you are a student, ask your teacher. Any staff member who is unsure of the policy should contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team or Head of Computer Science.
Student Resources
Clubs | Future Start Year 7 Passport | Future Start Year 8 Passport | Art Grade Descriptors | Accessit Library System | Reading Assessment | Star Reading
IT Systems
Office 365 Portal and Email | Cloud Print | Mobility Print
Examinations Information
No Mobile Phones Poster | Information for Candidates (Written Examinations) | Information for Candidates (On-screen Tests) | Warning to Candidates